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  • Writer's pictureAmy Salman

4 Reasons To Change Your Habits To Boost Your Immunity

Flu season is upon us and many of you may be heading to get your shot in the hope to prevent this years flu strains. While studies have shown that there are things we can do to stay healthy, it’s not always known to our collective.

Hello everyone,

Besides some obvious things we may do each year to help us stay healthy and prevent illness, here are four reasons that you might want to reconsider your habits.

Sleep Is Vital

Sleep deprivation is very prevalent in our society. The average person gets less than seven hours of sleep every night and 50 to 70 million adults in the U.S. are affected by a sleep disorder.

Sleep is crucial for the body’s production of cytokines. Cytokine is a protein that reduces inflammation and infection in the body. People who don’t get enough sleep tend to get sicker. To ensure that your immune system is functioning optimally, you need to make sure that you implement a sleep routine that allows you to get 7 to 9 hours of adequate sleep.

Managing Stress Is Important

Do you tend to allow stress to control your life? If so, it’s time to consider a stress release technique to ensure you stay healthy. Stress is a significant contributor to illnesses. One person out of three reports feeling very stressed in their daily life which tends to put us at risk of activating harmful viruses that may be in our system.

People with a healthy immune system have learned to tame the stress in their life. They have found ways to change their perspective to be less reactive about various situations that may arise.

Exercising Keeps Us Healthy

Daily activity can strengthen the immune system across the lifespan. Not only does frequent exercise boost our immunity, but it also seems to delay its aging, allowing us to maintain an optimal immune system as we grow older. Daily exercise can be as simple as a 20 to 30-minute walk. You can also add yoga or Pilates to your routine, as well as other activities you enjoy.

You Are What You Eat

Consider a mostly whole food diet. Try to avoid anything that comes in a box, in the freezer section of the store or a can; unless there is no sugar, salt or added oils on the nutrition label. By cutting out processed food, you reduce the chances of inflammation in the body. Additionally, too much sugar will suppress your immune system. When your immune system is compromised, you are more likely to get sick. Foods and beverages high in sugar or refined carbohydrates, which the body processes as sugar, may be reducing your body's ability to ward off illness.

Are there any habits that you may reconsider this fall and winter season?

To your health & happiness,



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