Did anyone overdo it last night at Super Bowl? Maybe you’re thinking I’ll get to the gym to work off those extra calories. No matter how much you exercise, if you eat poorly, you will struggle both with your weight and your health. Your workout will not make up for a poor diet. Now don’t get me wrong, exercise is great and has amazing health benefits. It helps increase energy, is great for muscles and bones, a natural mood enhancer, good for brain health and memory, and sleep. But, our bodies are made in the kitchen, and eating real food in it's natural state has the amazing benefit of reversing and preventing illness and disease in the body such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, various types of cancer, and alzheimers.
So today, if you did overdo it a bit, just get back to a healthy eating regimen, and focus on taking 2 steps forward!
To your health & happiness,